Together, PNACC can make it happen.

Historical Background
Philippine Nurses Association of Central California (PNACC) was founded in 1989 by a small group of Filipino Nurses inspired and motivated by its first mentor the late Dr. Emperatriz Rabago. It was called Filipino Nurses Association of Central California until 1991 when it officially became a chapter of the Philippine Nurses Association of America and changed its name to Philippine Nurses Association of Central California.
It has evolved as a strong force in meeting the professional needs of its members. It has promoted the Image of the Filipino Nurses in the Central Valley as essential members of the health care team through education, collaboration and participation.
PNACC continues to be represented in local, statewide, national and international nursing and healthcare initiatives.

Chapter Mission, Vision, Goals and Objectives
As an official professional Philippine nurses’ organization, PNACC will be a strong leader organization of Filipino- American nurses in Central California.
PNACC overall mission is to uphold the positive image and welfare of its members promote professional nursing excellence and contribute with significant outcomes to healthcare and society.
Goals and Objectives
Unify- Filipino American Nurses in Central California
Develop, implement and evaluate programs in nursing leadership, practice, education and research relevant to professional growth of its members and health care needs of the community.
Facilitate professional and cultural adjustment of Filipino –American Nurses in Central California through collaboration with agencies in the community.
Participate actively in professional and cultural activities with professional organizations and other community agencies.
Review and act on legislation and public policies which directly and indirectly affect healthcare and nursing practice.
Support actively the PNAA, Inc. goals with PNACC as a member Chapter.